


Your Camera

How to make the break

with camera shake!

None of us, no matter how rock-steady we think we are, can avoid camera movement when hand-holding a camera. Image stabilization technology helps a lot but it’s not the whole solution.

A noticeable case of the shakes can and does happen to people of all abilities. You can be rock-steady and it still happens! It only takes the slightest, most imperceptible movement, using even a fast shutter speed to kill your dreams of a tack-sharp image.

If this sounds like anything you’ve ever experienced, don’t worry. You’re not doomed to the camera shakes for all of photographic eternity. Learning to avoid the shakes is all about applying the right techniques, which I reveal in Going S-T-E-A-D-Y with Your Camera.

In this short, but highly helpful eGuide, in a matter of minutes you’ll be equipped with multiple tips and tricks to eliminate camera shake. 

Are YOU immune from the shakes?

Not if you’re human!

This is for photographers of ALL skill levels, interests and abilities.

Which of these are you?

  • A hobbyist or seasoned pro?
  • An owner of ANY camera brand or type (even mirrorless)?
  • In a wheelchair or an Olympic biathlon gold medalist?
  • Younger or older?  (These common sense techniques don’t care who uses them.)

This eGuide has exactly what you need to  keep your camera

stone S-T-E-A-D-Y in any situation!


Going S-T-E-A-D-Y with Your Camera gives you 19 – 21  tips and techniques.

(Depends on how you count)

Several of those can be combined for even greater steadiness.

For the modest price of $7.99 USD,

you can put an end to fuzzy photos.

What you WILL learn:

  • The right tool, the right body position and the right technique for the situation
  • A “MacGyver-style” camera-steadying tip that you’ll only find here
  • How to breathe properly when tripping the shutter


When more tips, tricks, techniques and technologies that minimize camera shake come along,

you’ll get those updates. Free. Gratis. No charge.

Going S-T-E-A-D-Y with Your Camera is an easy-to-read, straight-to-the-point guide that will have you breaking up with the shakes and going S-T-E-A-D-Y with your camera immediately!